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1969 Men's Basketball Roster

Sort: Number | Name | Class | Position

# Player (16) Class Pos Ht Wt Hometown High School
25 Ayers, Steve JR 6-2 175 Norman, OK
41 Brown, Harry JR 6-1 185 Pittsburgh, PA Connelley Vocational
20 Campbell, Bob SO 6-7 190 Norman, OK Norman
44 Cloar, Paul JR 6-4 190 Hobart, OK
50 Hampson, Tom SO 6-7 225 Valparaiso, IN
40 Heard, Garfield JR 6-6 210 Hogansville, GA Ethel W. Kight
Heitz, Jim JR 6-10 205 Garrett, IN
21 Holladay, Joe SR 6-1 170 Duncan, OK
30 Kanatzar, Bob SO 6-7 210 Kansas City, KS
42 Marshall, Vester SO 6-7 218 Tuscaloosa, AL
22 Patterson, Bob SR 6-5 195 Lincoln, IL
14 Ray, Clifford SO 6-9 215 Union, SC
54 Scheck, Steve SO 6-8 216 Arkansas City, KS
10 Sykes, Herman SO 5-11 167 Kansas City, MO
24 Watson, Landy SR 6-5 178 Columbia, SC Booker T. Washington
23 Wooten, Bob SO 6-1 170 Lawton, OK


  • Completed rosters: 1965-2024.
  • Players with incomplete or no information on a completed roster indicates that the player was not in that season's media guide, the player walked on, the player was on the B/Junior Varsity squad, or that person was part of the team in some unconfirmed capacity.