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Earned Run Average ▪ Career

Minimum 75 innings

  Player Seasons ERA IP
1. Mark Nipp 1977-78 1.15 164.2
2. Jackson Todd 1971-73 1.50 270.0
3. Kim Cook 1970-72 2.00 103.2
4. Breen Newcomer 1973-75 2.00 170.2
5. Stan Meek 1972-74 2.01 223.2
6. Bob Shirley 1973-75 2.17 286.1
7. Bucky Buckles 1994 2.20 77.2
8. Jonathan Gray 2012-13 2.32 229.0
9. Gary Weese 1971-72 2.35 164.2
10. Jordan John 2010-12 2.38 124.2
11. Drew Harrison 2010-12 2.43 77.2
12. Mark Redman 1994-95 2.47 277.0
13. Ken Palmer 1974-76 2.53 192.0
14. Marty Kunkler 1974-76 2.54 223.0
15. George Frazier 1974-76 2.66 138.2
16. Mickey Lashley 1973-76 2.74 174.0
17. Ray Hayward 1980-83 2.84 275.1
18. Dillon Overton 2011-13 2.89 289.1
19. Rick Jacobs 1970-72 2.90 167.2
20. Larry Patterson 1966-67 2.98 117.2
21. David Wendt 1975-78 2.98 132.2


  • ERA is sorted and ranked by four digits.