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1964 Men's Basketball Roster

Sort: Number | Name | Class | Position

# Player (12) Class Pos Ht Wt Hometown High School
Chaney, Neale F
Fleetwood, Fred Indianapolis, IN
Gatewood, James JR Oklahoma City, OK Douglass
Gregory, Bobby G Midwest City, OK
Hawkins, George SO Kokomo, IN
Johnson, Farrell SR Shawnee, OK
Kaiser, James SR Byng, OK
Maxey, Dick JR El Reno, OK
Roberts, Butch JR Norman, OK
Whitlock, Bill West Memphis, AR
Wilson, Willie JR Corpus Christi, TX
Young, Jack G


  • Completed rosters: 1965-2024.
  • Players with incomplete or no information on a completed roster indicates that the player was not in that season's media guide, the player walked on, the player was on the B/Junior Varsity squad, or that person was part of the team in some unconfirmed capacity.