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1947 Football Roster

Sort: Number | Name | Class | Position | State

# Player (42) Class Pos Ht Wt Hometown High School
Allsup, John
Anderegg, Dan
Anderson, Frankie Oklahoma City, OK Northeast
Andros, Dee
Bibb, Boyd Sayre, OK
Bodenhamer, Bob
Brewer, George Lubbock, TX Lubbock
Burris, Buddy Muskogee, OK Central
Chilless, Bill
Davis, Thomas
Dinkins, Merle Blackwell, OK Blackwell
Dowell, Charles
Fischer, Max
Goad, Robert
Greathouse, Myrl Amarillo, TX Amarillo
Hale, Earl Markham, TX
Harp, Laddie
Husack, John
Jones, Buddy Holdenville, OK Holdenville
Kreick, Edward
Manley, Leon
Mays, Ed
Mitchell, Jack JR QB
Morris, Bill Oklahoma City, OK
Neher, Lee
Owens, Jim Oklahoma City, OK
Paine, Homer Enid, OK
Parker, Kenneth
Pearcy, Ray
Price, Bill Norman, OK
Rapacz, John
21 Royal, Darrell SO QB Hollis, OK
Sarratt, Charles
Thomas, George
Tillman, Pete
Tipps, Ken
62 Trotter, Jess G Borger, TX Borger
Tyree, Jim (C) Oklahoma City, OK
Walker, Wade (C) Gastonia, NC
Wallace, Dave Oklahoma City, OK Classen
West, Stan Enid, OK
Wright, Curtis

Class Count

  • 40 Other
  • 1 Juniors
  • 1 Sophomores


  • (C) indicates a captain (named before each game in 1982, and 1995 through 1998).
  • Players with incomplete or no information on a completed roster indicates that the player was not in that season's media guide, the player was on the B/Junior Varsity squad, or that person was part of the team in some unconfirmed capacity.